Sifu WAN Kam Leung was the earliest student of the late Sifu WONG Shun Leung and has been a senior instructor in Ving Tsun Athletic Association for years. Sifu WAN was the only Wing Chun Chief Instructor for the G4 (VIP Protection Unit) ever invited by the Royal Hong Kong Police Force.

Sifu Wan Kam Leung has precisely modified the Wing Chun system into a modern day practical combating art suitable for males and females of all ages. Wan Kam Leung Practical Wing Chun, the effective way to increase strength, self confidence and all round positive health development.


Sifu WAN Kam-leung was born in 1945 in Po On village in the Guangdong Province of Southern China. His interest in Martial Arts began at an early age and by his teens he was learning various traditional styles of Kung Fu from Masters in and around neighbouring villages.


Currently we offer classes for both men and women, childrens classes and womens classes. For information on how to book private classes, please contact us.

If you are interesting in the training hours, please see the training schedule

If you have any inquiry or exchange, please contact us